Our Confirmation Program for teens includes participation in Life Teen for two full years, with the additional Confirmation Program beginning midway through the second year.
When participation in the Life Teen Program begins September of Freshman year (grade 9), it continues for 27 months, with Confirmation expected November of Junior year (grade 11).
Confirmation is designed to help proclaim the Gospel message to young people while providing an atmosphere where they are accompanied by adult leaders toward discipleship.
Components of the Confirmation Program include submission of a letter of intent by the candidate to enter into the program outlining why the candidate feels ready to prepare for Confirmation, a home visit, active participation in the entire LifeTeen program including all catechetical, spiritual (including weekly Mass attendance) and service components, active participation in four SuperDays (a full Saturday or full Sunday gathering) where topics specific to Confirmation will be presented and discussed, active participation at all services in the Triduum during Holy Week and attending the Confirmation Retreat..
Confirmation Program begins with and is in addition to participation in Lifeteen.