This program is scheduled on Sunday mornings starting at 9:00am and continues into the 10:30am mass. Lessons are designed with 8-11 year olds in mind, and are hands-on and engaging. Using the model of Edge and Lifeteen, we have implemented a three year cycle, combing curriculum for the three grades. We encourage you to ask your child about the lessons to keep the discussion going after they leave the church and discover ways you can serve God as a family. At the end of class, there is a short snack break to be followed by the Children’s Liturgy of the Word, where we read the Gospel and have a child friendly homily and discussion. Our goal is for the children to get as much as possible from coming to mass, and having them have their own Liturgy of the Word seems to be an effective way of accomplishing this. The children join their families upstairs for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Please note that if there is a week that your child does not have class they are still welcome to join us downstairs at 10:15am for the Liturgy of the Word. These dates are listed on the schedule.