Edge gatherings are the catechetical, issue and social components of St. Mark's Middle School Faith Formation and Youth Ministry program. These 1 and 1/2-hour long sessions present tenets of the Catholic faith utilizing both classroom and non-classroom (activities) formats, making the faith relevant for middle-schoolers in grades 6-8. This curriculum is based on the United States Catholic Conference of Bishop’s recommendations for middle school faith formation and also the Eight Components of Youth Ministry as outlined in the Bishop's Document Renewing the Vision.
The aim of the Edge program is to explore, engage & excite our youth in their faith during middle school for ongoing faith formation in High School and beyond. Edge sessions are a fun, safe place to spend time with Catholic friends as participants get answers to their unanswered questions about the Catholic faith, experience Jesus Christ in a profound, personal way and feel like they are an important part of the parish.
Edge Sessions are scheduled on Sundays beginning with the 10:30 AM Mass until 1:00 PM, September through May (with some exceptions as noted on schedule &/or via Flocknote).
Weekly Mass attendance and parish community involvement is an integral part of our faith and discipleship.
Edge middle-schoolers will learn about and actively participate in Parish Ministries and service activities.
Additionally, the Edge participants will lead/present Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, attend the Diocesan Middle School Rally, and have opportunity to attend other Diocesan and Parish Youth Ministry events and service.
Sunday SEPTEMBER 26, 2021 is the EDGE Program Kickoff beginning with 10:30 Mass and continuing either outside or in the youth room downstairs in the Church hall until 1:00 pm. LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU!
If your middle-schooler is not yet registered, please email Lisa@SaintMarksParish for registration form and schedule. &/OR If you are interested in dates for service & social gatherings, please email Lisa.