Holy Week and Easter Tuesday March 30 Confessions from 7-8 PM I will be available to hear confessions in the sacristy just behind the Mary statue so that we can have room for social distancing beginning at 7 PM. I will be spending the hour in church, so please don’t hesitate to come for the sacrament in preparation for these coming holy days. The Easter Triduum Holy Thursday April 1 7:30 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday 3PM Stations of the Cross 7:30 PM Service of Good Friday Liturgy of the Word, Adoration of the Cross by bowing, Holy Communion Holy Saturday 7:30 PM Vigil of Easter Vigil Readings, Baptism, and Easter Mass Because of covid restrictions, we will not gather around the Easter fire, but all of you will be seated inside while the fire is blessed out front. Easter Sunday 8 AM Mass 10:30 AM Mass The 10:30 AM Mass on Easter Sunday will be livestreamed. Since by law we will be allowed 50% capacity, we should have plenty of room for those who wish to safely attend in person.